Occupational therapy focuses on the child’s “occupation”, which includes developmental tasks involving their ability to interact with people and objects in their environment. Difficulties in the ability to interact with people and objects in their environment are noted to impact their performance in play, social relationships, learning, and activities of daily living skills. The occupation of childhood is to develop the skills necessary to become functional and independent adults. The areas assessed and treated in occupational therapy include, but are not limited to: Regulation of arousal level in order to attend; Refinement of sensory discrimination and processing; Continual refinement and development of fine motor skills (including handwriting); Age appropriate self care skills; Self concept and Cognitive functions.
The expectations for the level of development through therapy & treatment of any of these skills will vary depending on the age of the child. It is important to remember that all of these skills are developing concurrently. Impairment of one area is likely to stunt development in other areas.
At Lowcountry Therapy Center, play is the media most often used in the occupational therapist's treatment of children. It is highly motivating and a natural media used by all children. Education and involvement of the family is critical to success, and is therefore always a part of the therapy session.
Lowcountry Therapy Center will be offering upcoming camps addressing reading, writing, and handwriting. We look forward to working with you! Call or contact us today with any questions you may have about our therapy & treatment methods.